Friday, August 31, 2012

How to do a "Split Handstand"!

This tutorial is a little more advanced, but I'm sure anyone can do it!! :)

  1. Go up into  a hand stand.
  2. Lower your left leg out, so that is is horizontal with your body.
  3. Do the same with your right leg.

  • Point your toes, and straighten your knees.
  • Make sure you have a steady handstand first.
  • Apply the tips from the tips  for a better handstand.

A figure to help:

Thanks for reading and I hope that helps!

(for the better handstand thing click here

Thursday, August 30, 2012

How to do a dive roll!! @-@

This time we are getting into a little more of a level 2 setting ;) but I'm sure even if you aren't in level 2 you could do this!! It's super easy!!

  1. Stand up straight.
  2. Take a step.
  3. Jump up.
  4. When you do your second jump you dive into a roll without landing your jump.
  5. Stand up tall and straight at the end!

  • Keep your body tight at the beginning.
  • When you dive make sure that you tuck your head in at the right time.
  • When rolling keep your body tight in a roll so that it won't look sloppy! 

I know that was hard to understand so here is a figure to help:

Thanks for reading and I hope that helps!!


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How to do a roundoff!! :D

This is another simple tutorial but I figured I should start out slow and work my way up with y'all! ;) 

  1. Stand tall with your chest out.
  2. Put your right foot (or left foot, which ever is best for you!) out in front of you.
  3. Do a cartwheel but while your feet are up, put them together. (if you don't know how to do a cartwheel click here for my tutorial.)
  4. Come down with your feet together.
GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!! 

  • Squeeze your body so that when you come down you are tight.
  • Push really hard when you start so you can rebound! (rebounding is basically bouncing at the end of a trick) 

 A figure to help:

Thanks for reading and I hope that helps!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

How to do a split!

This is VERY basic. It is very easy for all of you who don't know how to do one! 

  1. Put your left (or right leg, which ever one corresponds with the hand you don't write with!) leg, knee down, on the floor flat. 
  2. Do the same with your right or left leg. 
  3. Try and turn your hips forward, pointing to your right (or left) toes. 
  4. Point your toes and lock your knees!

A figure to help!

I hope this helps! 
Thanks for reading,

Sunday, August 26, 2012

How to do a backwards roll!! ;)


I'm sorry for all of you that are not beginners, but I am just explaining the basics before I get to the harder stuff!! ;)

(read all steps together, then attempt step-by-step)

  1. Stand with your arms up.
  2. Put your hands flat (palms towards the sky) on your shoulders.
  3. Go into a sitting position while rolling backwards.
  4. In the same motion thrust your legs over your body.
  5. Also, push with your arms.
  6. Land with your feet under you in a squating position.
  7. Work your way up to doing a backwards roll and ending with a stand. 
  • Make sure you thrust real hard with your legs when pushing them over.
  • Do not go floppy.
  • Tuck your head in (better explanation: put your chin on your chest).

 A figure to help.

Thanks for reading and I hope it helps!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Tips for a better handstand


If you need some help/ ideas on how to do a better handstand or are just curious as to how a person can hold a handstand longer, here are some tips!

For Balance:
  • Squeeze your bottom to make your legs tight.
  • Suck in your stomach. 
  • Keep your arms straight.
For a Better Look:

  • Straighten your knees.
  • Point your toes.
  • Keep your back straight. 

Thanks for reading and I hope that helps!

Friday, August 24, 2012

How To Do a Good Cartwheel


This is for beginners.


  1. Stand tall with your arms up and your left (or right foot, which ever you don't write with) leg out in front of you.
  2. Now push your legs over your head while turning your body to face the direction that you began at.
  3. Once you have landed stand tall and push your chest out and pull your arms out in the fashion of an olympic gymnast.


  • Point your toes.
  • Keep your legs straight.

Here is a figure to help you understand the steps.

Thanks for reading and I hope it helped!!



I am Allison Lamb and Tumbling (and Gymnastics) is my life!! I am in 8th grade, I LOVE to write so I decided that I would start a tumbling/ gymnastics blog! This blog is going to show some tutorials, news, and tips for tumbling and gymnastics!! I hope you enjoy reading my blog!!

Thanks for reading,